Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Back slowly away from the bottle, Bucko!

Let's take it back a few days....the weekend was great, we went to see J Coop at Hank's and drank probably a little too much, but it was good times all the way around. I think I laughed and smiled more this weekend, which is a great feeling....I would love to go into detail, but due to some friends of mine being on the "down low" I must keep things on the hush....yea, me with a secret..yikes...

SO....My roommate Lindy was making her "Monday" cupcakes (lol, hidden meaning) last night for the American Idol watching party she is hosting for our friend Flan (aka Andrea) and said, "I want to sleep with my windows open tonight, but I am scared of the creepers and what Tamara told us about seeing ghosts and crap." Tamara's words of wisdom were, "If you think you see something, you do, it wants to be seen". Yikes, thanks for the pep talk T-Frye. So Lin goes to bed and raises her little window, I am sure with pure hesitation...At 1:00 a.m. I hear a banging noise but really didn't think much of it, we had a crack head that lived upstairs for a while and we were use to weird, loud noises...then my phone rang and it was my neighbor, Sarah crying..She said, look out your peep hole, can you see the cops and a guy? I look out and I see two cops a guy on the ground and a pair of crutches...Apparently drunk creeper guy was banging and kicking Sarah's door for 10 minutes, saying, "Let me in you fucking Bitch, open the fucking door..."

Here is where it gets creepy, as I watch out the peep hole and try to keep Sarah calm, I notice homeboy didn't have his pants on all the way...and I couldn't really get a good look out of the peep hole..The cops finally escort him on his crutches to the curb where he proceed to call his people to figure out where he was...but said he lived in our apartments..umm.....dude, how much did you have to drink? I opened my door and Sarah ran in shaking...she had her knife about to stab the guy before the cops got to him.. The guy yelled, kicked (which how I don't know, just wait) cursed and banged on the doors, windows of Sarah's apt for like 10 minutes..We watched on my porch as the cops tried to get out of him why he was at her door and what he had been doing..He looked about 20 years old..

This is the not so funny but strangely comical part of the situation..We come across some creepers a lot of the time..but as the cops helped the drunken crazy guy get up to his crutches...homeboys pants fell down and he ain't got no leg....WTF?!? How in the hell was he kicking the door? Oh Sarah, only you would have the Amputee Creeper show up...at least you can out run him....

Come to find out, creep boy was at my building #38 and actually lives in #37 and apparently he thought Sarah was his woman "Angela" that wouldn't let him into the door...hence the reason he raised so much hell for so long..WHY THE COPS LET HIM GO HOME AND NOT TAKE HIM TO JAIL, I DON'T KNOW...MAYBE AMPUTEE'S HAVE SOME KIND OF PULL WITH MCKINNEY P.D. (WHO IN THE HELL WERE THOSE HOT COPS SARAH?) LOL

I wanted to wake up Lindy and tell her what had happened, but she would have freaked, so I waited till this morning....I think maybe she has some kind of premonition or some shit, who knew that she would hesitate opening her windows and a creeper really show up that same night? Dang! Needless to say we are all safe and sound, but you know Sarah will be at the apt office tomorrow getting that punk ass evicted! Oh and way to go Bubba Moose in Allen..Have you ever heard of "over service"? Gotta love a gated communtiy also...Good to know you can raise hell and crutch back to your apartment and avoid going to jail because you are missing a limb. I am just saying, sad but true. Lindy, I will always keep the door locked from now on...yikes~


  1. Lol..I didn't get the full story from Lin.
    What's the Monday joke??

  2. Please see me in private chat window. LMAO
